Did I really hear the President correctly the other day? While criticizing Bank of America for their new $5 applicable to debit card users, he said that BofA "thinks they have a right to make [a profit] of whatever they want." Really, did he say that?
Yes, Mr. President, we have a free enterprise system that does allow companies to make a profit-- and profit is not an evil concept. Our system of free enterprise does not allow a company to make whatever profit they want, but it does allow them to make whatever profit they can. Competition protects consumers, not government. In making that comment, the President told us a great deal about what he actually believes, and it is not what he told us when he was seeking election to the highest office in the land.
While the President did not advocate socialism, or anything like that, he did go on to say the country needs a "consumer advocate" to tell people when they are being treated unfairly. President Obama continues to advocate a government solution to every problem, actual or perceived.
Rather than make the next Presidential Election about political party affiliation, or demonstrating the country's commitment to social equality, voters need to decide the future of this great country. Should we choose a President who will increase the power and scope of government (especially the Federal Government), or a President who will support, enhance and wholly support our commitment to capitalism.
When government has the ability to decide winners and losers, we get Solyndra. The Solyndra Symdome is much bigger than the $535 million loan to cronies associated with Obama. The Solyndra Syndrom also includes such things as the Wall Street bailout, GM, Chrysler, public employees, teachers unions and many, many more that received government assistance or favoritism in exchange for political donations. This is not a one party issue, it is an issue with an elected government.
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