We hear a lot about Solyndra and the loss of $535,000 of taxpayers' money. While the Republicans hold hearings to embarrass the President, the Obama Justice Department conducts its own criminal investigation. This case has all of the elements necessary for scandal. It involves a lot of money, high-level government officials (including the President), large political contributions made to the President, Senators and Congressman. This story has the roots necessary to become really big, embarrassing and career ending. Simply put, because key players and likely defendants have a direct connection to the White House, it is inappropriate for the Obama Justice Department to investigate this case.
It is not just that the case involves over one-half billion dollars. It is not just the accusation that political pressure allowed an accelerated application for the loan guarantee. It is not just that this case involves friends of the President, both California Senators and numerous high-ranking Democratic Party officials. It is not just that this business was used by the President as an example of desirable government programs that are at the center point of the President's green jobs objective. It is not just that the government loan was subordinate to other investors, which is a clear violation of Federal Law. It is not just that those other investors, to which the government loan is subordinate, are politically-connected to the White House. A Special Prosecutor is needed because of all these facts, and that the Attorney General is currently the subject of his own ethics scandal.
What, you couldn't come up with any other reason?